Kidnapped By Pirates
By Yuki-Uchiha
  • Romance
  • adventure
  • comedy
  • disguise
  • flexible
  • funny
  • girl
  • guy
  • kidnapped
  • leonardo
  • locked
  • love
  • luciana
  • pirates
  • prisoner
  • sea
  • stubborn


Luciana's father used to work in a crew that used to sail across the sea for deliveries and trading. Luciana has always wanted to join the same crew her father was once a part of but is unfortunate since she is a woman and a woman at sea is bad luck. So she had a bright idea to dress up as a guy and pretend to be, Hayden, the only son of Jove.  She has been working in the ship for about a year and a half in peace until one day, they were attacked by a pirate’s ship. But, not just any pirate’s ship, but the pirate’s ship that belongs to Leonardo De Vinci, the most powerful Pirate known and the leader of all pirates, also known as the Pirate King. She was captured and was taken prisoner because he took an interest in ‘Him’. Join Luciana as she struggles to keep her gender hidden away from a ship full of vicious, hungry pirates that could eat her alive and as she tries to escape from Leonardo’s captive self.

Chapter 1

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by Yuki-Uchiha