Our fateful year
By Niekoi
  • Romance
  • boyxboy
  • boyxgirl
  • characterdevelopment
  • foundfamily
  • friendship
  • hiddenfeelings
  • hurt-comfort
  • illness
  • lovesquare
  • majorcharacterdeath
  • mentaldisorder
  • multiplemains
  • past-trauma
  • sliceoflife
  • slowburn
  • superpowers


Caleb is a 17 year old immortal who is classmates with Elliot. Elliot is a popular and outgoing student but in reality he hides his true feelings from others. After an incident that made Elliot trigger flashbacks on the first day of school, Elliot starts to be curious of him. Elliot tries to make a club to get closer to his mysterious classmate. Together they learn more about their friends & family but also their powers. This is my first time writing a story and uploading it but thanks for giving it a read. It's inspired by many asian dramas (Until We Meet Again, The Gifted thai, Nobuta Wo Produce, etc) and games (life is strange and ttrpgs) Content and/or Trigger Warning: This book contains scenes depicting sexuality, self-harm, violence, etc which may be triggering for some readers.

Prologue (has a trigger warning)

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Our fatef...
by Niekoi