Silver Winds
By MakingMyOwnWay
  • Fantasy
  • achapteraday5
  • astra
  • justwriteit
  • longbow
  • medieval
  • ranger
  • silver
  • viking
  • volos
  • wind


Have you ever wanted something so badly you would do anything to have it? Meet Astra Olesdatter, a Illiquan teen aged girl who wants to train at Mistport's School for Seamen to learn how to become the vinr, or leader, of her own crew. Her ultimate goal is not just Mistport's School for Seamen, however. It's to see the Silver Wind, a legendary wind that only appears once every twenty years. It's beauty is said to be unparalleled, and that anyone who sees it is forever changed. It happens to be two years and a day from Astra's eighteenth birthday, but the travel to the only place where it occurs is long and hard. Astra dreams of it more than anything, though several obstacles stand in her way. An overprotective brother, a school filled with people who seem to wish her harm, and the single fact that girls aren't allowed to be a vinr, to name a few. Cover is by @sheldon_ . Thanks so much!

Chapter 1

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Silver Wi...
by MakingMyOwnWay