My Teenage Life
By tracyz
  • Fanfiction
  • exo
  • exotic
  • fanfic
  • kpop
  • love


Being the only child in a family ,people always thought that you will be pamper. But, your family doesn't treat you like that, they only know to treat you with money. Other than money, still money. You never feel any love from them. Since you're born, the people that took care of you are your relatives . Your parents are too busy earning money and didn't even have some time spend with you. Your parents sent you to a rich school which only students using expensive stuff . But, out of expectation , there's one girl who doesn't use that kind of stuff. And now, she's your best friend. Just one day, school accept 12 guys with different looking which wearing branded stuff. And, the number of your enemies have increase. What will happen in your teenage life?

Chapter 1

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My Teenag...
by tracyz