Chaotic life of Bea...
By beathebbbeee
  • Non-Fiction
  • diary
  • mylife
  • notwhatitseems
  • notwhatthebookisabout
  • thisismystory


Hey there! This is basically gonna be a diary/journal about my everyday life. You think that your life's not enough? Come see how mine is! Hi guys👋🏻 I'm Bea. My life is okay and may seem basic at first but everyday there's details (funny, sad or completely crazy) that I'd like to share with you! Life can be pretty dark some times and every time I've been through a hard patch I wished somebody was there with me. Somebody who would share little everyday life things that would make my day brighter or make me laugh. So maybe I can be that person for you? I have no idea if I'll be able to help with anything or not but something I definitely know is that writing this will help ME. And I guess that's enough.! I will share stories, memories, a bit of writing and poetry if I don't procrastinate too much and stuff that happens to me🐞 Come take a look👀

The Cliff;

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Chaotic l...
by beathebbbeee