The Scarlet Bandit
By goose_writes
  • Fantasy
  • arson
  • bandit
  • criminalstory
  • forest
  • hunter
  • outlaw
  • province
  • scarletbandit
  • shadowhunters
  • thief
  • wanted


Henry Mallard lives in a small, lively town known as Ivlain, which is one of the largest trading posts in all of Mock Province. Shade the Whisper is a cunning bandit who goes about thieving, killing, and her most well-known crime: arson. Shade is always on the run, as she is one of the most wanted in all of Mock Province. When Mallard is out hunting one evening, he's met with this mischievous bandit. The two learn to get along, as his life is on the line, and they work as a team. But Mallard soon learns Shade has her own plans and ideas. Can the they continue their lives as criminal and hunter, or must they separate and forget each other and watch the world slowly burn down?

Chapter One

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The Scarl...
by goose_writes