Growing Up - An iDK...
By Dallons_Moustache
  • Fanfiction
  • adhd
  • anthonypurpura
  • anxiety
  • breezyweekes
  • bullying
  • dallonweekes
  • depression
  • highschool
  • idkhow
  • music
  • valastaire


High School - the worst time of most people's lives. It's supposed to be the best time, but that's only because we don't often hear about the people who aren't so fortunate to be popular or good at sports. Anthony is a shy young boy. He's not the most social and prefers to be alone. He's a guitar player, and yet seemingly the only one of his type who isn't full of ego. Val is an excitable ball of ADHD, in the form of a grade 6 drumming student. He loves his life when he's with his drums, but back home things aren't so good. Dallon is a tall as fuck bass player and singer. He loves his english and music classes, but the rest of school is hell. His grades are great, it's just that people don't look too kindly upon the less popular kids. Breezy is a punk rocking theatre kid, so not your popular type either. She keeps to herself and her small fleeting group of friends. This is their high school story. TW/ Depression, Anxiety, Bullying, Terminal Illness

Music Class

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Growing U...
by Dallons_Moustache