There was a girl named Izneth and she had a boyfriend named Andre. On prom night they were dancing, Izneth got thirsty so she left Andre and got some punch. She was at the back of Andre and she saw Sharlene kissing Andre, well that's what she thought their doing but the truth is Sharlene was just pinching Andre's cheeks. That night Izneth broke up with Andre, summer Sharlene was always with Andre until Andre thought that maybe it is time to move on so he asked Sharlene if she can be his girlfriend and since Sharlene had a crush on Andre (since they were in 4th grade) she said yes. Summer was about to end and school were about to start, Izneth wanted revenge so she kept on pushing her self to Andre. Through her revenge, will Andre fall in love with her again or will Izneth be in love with Andre? Maybe both of them will fall in love to each other or Sharlene will remain to be Andre's girlfriend.