Stand By You
By ladykika09
  • Fanfiction
  • collegelife
  • irene
  • mino
  • minorene
  • minoxirene
  • redvelvet
  • winner


Mino was a delinquent in his high school, with much pride he led battles and constantly won them. He was greedy on achieving the title of the strongest. Until one night he fights with The Soul (strongest in Seoul) and before his eyes he sees himself in the brink of death. Moving on from his dark past, he wishes to start a fresh new life in College. He got into one of the most prestigious private universities through his own grind and determination. However, his old self still haunts him and the desired peace is out of his grasp as he gets in trouble with the toughest group in the school. A new set of adventure, challenges and battles awaits him, will be able to survive? Or will he defeat them after learning the group's greatest secret and weakness? © ladykika09

Chapter 1 | A Refreshing Start

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Stand By...
by ladykika09