By skwarlogirlcfc
  • Fanfiction
  • depression
  • jacksepticeye
  • romance
  • selfharm
  • triggerwarning
  • youtube


Sometimes, life isn't all sunshine and roses. Jack and Melane are friends. Not close friends, but friends all the same. They met in college through one of his professors, but never hung out much outside of school. When they graduated, she made sure he had her number and she had his. Every other day, she'd text him and they'd talk for a bit until she had to go to work. Out of habit, he'd start texting her whenever he thought of it. There were no romantic intentions behind these messages, as he had a girlfriend already, but she lived in another country, and long distance relationships are hard. Even so, it came as a surprise to them both when Jack's girlfriend broke it off. Mel tries to be there for him, but as he starts getting more and more depressed, she develops feelings for him. Desperate to hide it, she tries to distance herself as much as she can, all the while still helping him. But it becomes clear to her that she can't hide forever, and watching the light fade from his eyes is too much for her bear... She doesn't want to admit she's falling for him- but in the end, it's exactly what Jack needs to hear.

Chapter One: Unfortunate Change

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by skwarlogirlcfc