The Game Changers...
By crazygurl4ever
  • Fanfiction
  • amba
  • ananya
  • arjun
  • ashwatthama
  • balram
  • bheema
  • bhishma
  • bishma
  • dhritarashtra
  • duryodhana
  • dushala
  • dushassan
  • gandhari
  • hastinapur
  • karn
  • krishna
  • kunti
  • mahabharat
  • nakul
  • pandu
  • parshuram
  • satyavati
  • sehdev
  • shakuni
  • subhadra


༺|| 🕉 ռǟʍǟɦ ֆɦɨʋǟʏɛ 🕉 ||༻ ╰•★★ ॐ|| ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय नमः ||ॐ ★★•╯ ▌║▌║ ▌│█║▌║▌║ Շђє ﻮค๓є ςђคภﻮєгร - ๒เรђ๓ค & кคгภ.║▌║▌║█│▌║▌║▌ He is the son of Devi Ganga. He has taken an oath of Celibacy. He is the eldest son of Maharaj Shantanu. The Step son of Raj Mata Satyavati. He is the Maha Mahim of Hastinapur. He is Devrat Bishma. What will happen when he adopts a son? What happens when the adopted kid is the son of Surya Dev? (Son God?) What happens when the kid also happens to have magic armor and ear rings. When will they learn the truth about the kid's paternity? Also, if it helps, his mother comes to live in the palace of Hastinapur. Though, that is unknown to all, will the truth come out in front? And in all this occurring's, who is Ananya? How is she so close to Karn, when even her own aunts are not? What truth does she hide? And the most important of all, why does Karn trust her with his life? ****** Do give the story a try. Love you guys ╰•★★ -𝐒𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐱 ★★•╯ @crazygurl4ever


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The Game...
by crazygurl4ever