God of Time
By Shidomake
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The Greek god, Aion, is tired of being stuck up in the heavens, having to just watch the mortal realms screw themselves over. Zeus would not allow him to travel elsewhere, until now. Aion is ecstatic to be allowed to wonder all of the mortal universes and timelines. As a god, he goes by many names. But as a traveller, he goes by one: Y/N. Aion wants to not only travel, but play a hero through these timelines. A hero, and a playboy. One of the wonderful things that Aion loves about himself, is not only his strength and abilities as a god, but his divine handsomeness. Join Aion on this journey of fighting all sorts of beings, and laying all sorts of mortals and immortals! He is quite a kinky person, and will spend his time with just about anyone he finds interesting and attractive.

Ch. 1: Leaving the Heavens

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God of Ti...
by Shidomake