An Addams and a Blo...
By amengaywomen_3d
  • Fanfiction
  • addams
  • addamsfamily
  • cherylblossom
  • craziness
  • emotionaltorture
  • fear
  • hate
  • love
  • psycopath
  • riverdale
  • torture


Imagine that the Addams family live in Riverdale and that they have a fourth child, with seventeen years old and the craziest of all of them. The Addams girl starts to attend Riverdale High instead of home schooling. She has problems integrating, because she's an Addams, but there's always someone who's there for her, even if she doesn't want it. The only feelings that this girl ever met were hate, sadness, boredom and the pleasure of torturing her family and the other people. But she never, ever met love, not even once. She feels no love for her friends and the love she feels for a family its very small. But this changed when she sees those ginger curls and that white skin. A lot of mixed feelings are filling this girls heart and she doesn't know how to deal with them. What is she going to do? Is she going to accept the redheaded girl as the love of her life or will she just deal with it the same way she deals with everything else? Torture and death.

Valentina Addams

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An Addams...
by amengaywomen_3d