The Demon that ling...
By deanisbiforpie
  • Fanfiction
  • amazingphil
  • danhowell
  • danisnotonfire
  • phill
  • water


Phil was always bullied. Never had any friends. So he decided to walk one day into a forest filled with lots of different type of trees. He found one that looked so innocent and so lonely. He thought the tree was exactly like him. But the tree wasn't at all innocent, it was a demon summoned to kill. Phil was then cursed to kill the people who has bullied him all his life. He always took his note pad to the tree with lists of names who have bullied him. Everyday he would carve a name on the tree and that person would die a horrible death. One day a new kid came to his school. His name was Dan Howell. Phil wasn't so sure about him. Is he going to carve his name on the tree? Or will he not?

The tree

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The Demon...
by deanisbiforpie