She was one of a kind. An exceptional racer. But she would have to prove herself against all odds. As a mechanic came up to me to strap me in, I tried to seem as confident as possible but as the men on track suddenly started to grab their stuff and leave, I forced myself to breathe deeply and pull myself together hoping that the formation lap would calm me down. Luckily it did. The revving of the engine and the slight vibrations made my heart go back to its normal pace and my thoughts came to a halt as the first red light came on. Two Lights. I readjusted my feet on the pedals. Three Lights. I took a deep breath. Four Lights. My Hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. Five Lights. It seemed that the time stopped. I let out a long breath. Lights Out. I stepped onto the throttle. Hey there! I hope you're all doing well. Please be kind since this is my first Peace of fiction I'm writing and feel free to Point out any Grammar Errors. English isn't my first language so I'm happy About any Kinds of tipps. The characters and timeline aren't real and the People in this Story are from my Imagination! Have fun!