Amnesia (smut)
By justmedrew19
  • Romance
  • amnesia
  • amnesia-love-story
  • carcrash
  • family
  • friendship
  • hospital
  • lostmemories
  • ptsd
  • siblings
  • smutwarning
  • transgender
  • trauma


Andrew wakes up in the hospital a week after a terrible car crash however, he doesn't remember the last two years of his life. He's 19 but remembers being 17, he doesn't remember any of the friends he has made in the last two years, or moving away from home. He doesn't remember his girlfriend of almost two years that he met at 18. Andrew- 19, almost 20 (dating Alina)(t shot every Saturday) Alina- Girlfriend, 25 (dating Andrew) (tattoos: 5/7 on her wrist because she's the fifth child out of seven. 'Kiss me' on her buttocks. A rose on the back of her neck because her middle name is Rose. "It's not time to worry yet" on her rib cage a quote from her favorite book 'To kill a mockingbird') Megan- Best friend, 24 (dating Toby) Toby- Best friend, 21 (dating Megan) Vanessa- Best friend, 27 (married to Abi) Abi- Half sister, 22 (married to Vanessa)

Part One

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Amnesia (...
by justmedrew19