Your Voice
By PenInAction
  • Teen Fiction
  • family
  • friendship
  • king
  • love
  • soldier


Khiru Zeno Eliseo was imprisoned inside a cage for 10 long years. He was severely tortured and abused by his stepmother. Fighting his battles alone with the hopes that one day he'll gain the freedom he's dying to have. While staying inside the rusty cage, he found strength and hope behind someone's voice. Later on, he finally gain the freedom he deserved when his grandfather Don Fabian Mauro Eliseo came for his rescue. He is his grandfather on his mother side. After stepping out from the cage, he found a new life to live in the outside world where his newest battles takes place. He becomes a soldier by heart. While starting a new, in the University where he chose to study he met a man named Ruzziel Enzon Weston. The rebellious grandson of the Weston's which is known to be, "The King of Chaos" in the University. A bad ass King who look so tough outside but is severely wounded inside. How chaotic would it be, if a King and a Soldier paths cross?


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Your Voice
by PenInAction