Bound to happen
By Madhavi_sneha
  • Historical Fiction
  • archaeology
  • arjun
  • bheem
  • brave
  • comedy
  • craziness
  • doctor
  • duryodhan
  • historical
  • humor
  • indian
  • kaliyug
  • karn
  • krishna
  • mahabharat
  • mythology
  • nakul
  • pandavas
  • pandavs
  • romance
  • sahdev
  • strong-female-character
  • timetravel
  • warriors
  • yudhistir


Mahabharata There are many beliefs on it, some say it's an epic,some say it's a myth and so much more, but for some of us it's our history.. If by some miracle you are given a chance to change the great Mahabharat what will you do? An interesting and intriguing question isn't it? And most probably the answer would be *yes you would like to change it*. Isn't it? Adhvika Mahajan is a 21 years old girl from Mumbai, India. she loves to read about Mahabharat and other Ancient history ,she loves to explore places, she is a student and a trainee in Archaeology, she is strong, hot headed, crazy and has a logical type of personality.She believes in equality and is a free soul, loves her family a lot, but she isn't Bound by anything. What happens when a free soul like Adhvika is given the opportunity to time travel and change the events of the supposed past,that is actually bound to happen? How will she find equality in a misogynistic society? Will she be able to change the destiny of such a great epic?or will she be entangled in the whole drama of lies,hate, humiliation,sorrow,pain and betrayal with no possible outcomes? ___________________________ Let's read the story to find out more. ------------------------------------ ★Cover by @Cutie_Toes💞★ ___________________________ ★Please give this book a try!!★ ___________________________ Note:- This story even though is related to Hinduism,any of the readers can read it as everything will be explained thoroughly at the end (if any needed Hindi or sanskrit words were there) it will be based more on how a new modern girl struggles to stand up against all the cruel,ill mannered, rules which was followed back then. ___________________________ NOTE:- I DO NOT MEAN TO TARGET ANY OF THE PEOPLE'S EMOTIONS RELATED TO THIS EPIC ,IT IS JUST A FICTIONAL STORY CREATED SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENTERTAINMENT AND NO HARSH COMMENTS, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT,THEN DON'T READ IT Thanking you


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Bound to...
by Madhavi_sneha