✅ The Last New St...
By kittyangelabdl
  • Romance
  • babying
  • bedwetting
  • bravetogether
  • bullying
  • comingofage
  • familyissues
  • nanowrimo
  • nanowrimo2021
  • regression
  • slowbuild
  • tbdl
  • texttospeech
  • turnaround


Tess is moving in with her cousin, Gabby, for the rest of the school year. But they haven't really spoken in ten years, and Gabby is finding it hard to understand that Tess is no longer a baby. Being shorter than everyone in her class, trusting what people tell her, and wetting the bed will only make it harder to send the right message. How can the teen prove her adulthood, before Gabby humiliates her in front of her friends and her new boyfriend? This book and The Last New Start tell the same story from different perspectives. Both of them will be complete stories in their own right, but reading them together might give a little more depth. I will be writing these for NaNoWriMo 2021, which means that I will attempt to post at least one chapter of one of the stories every day in November; and if I can write faster than that, then any remaining chapters will be available to all my Patreon supporters (including the $1 tier) for this month. If there's anything in particular you would like to see in this story, please leave me a comment.

The Last New Start

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✅ The L...
by kittyangelabdl