Glitch Fest
By Shimo_4028
  • Fantasy
  • college
  • comics
  • complex
  • glitch
  • kidnapping
  • murder
  • nsfw
  • powers
  • violent


Could you imagine being so powerful the humans trapped you away to use you as a test subject? Neither did the glitches host, who doesn't have a name yet. Chosen for experiments for a small experiment in a lab, the White coat man also known as Jeremiah Elheart, has enslaved many people who were either really powerful or have powerful abilities, raising two daughters and mourning the death of his wife he is currently in the race to save his daughters feom.the same end. Unfortunately his experiment escapes leaving him down a daughter and soon, down his own life, due to his injuries he passes whilst in prison, his last daugter and last blood is now burdened with his studies and tries her best at bringing her sister back from the dead using the same ability as our main character...unfortunately that means she has to control him. That is what got her Father killed, and her sister as collateral damage.

Glitchfest Chapter 1, The Coat Man

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Glitch Fe...
by Shimo_4028