Mikhail and Ahmed
By Only_Tayyy
  • Romance
  • action
  • brave
  • bravetogether
  • drama
  • historicalfiction
  • lgbtq
  • periodpiece
  • queerlove


A story featuring two Queer men of color--Ahmed and Mikhail-- in an ancient time period (around 6th century AD). The lovers come from two imagined cities, Jasmine and Damascan, whose cultures reference ancient Arab and Greco-Roman civilizations respectively. Mikhail, a formerly enslaved individual born in Damascan but with Jasmanian ancestral roots, first meets Ahmed, a Jasmanian soldier, on the morning of a citywide invasion. This story features the two men healing from scarred pasts and learning to trust one another, though born in warring nations. . . . . I'm working on a new story and need some motivation to get over the hump. This is my first time finishing an original story of this length and I want to tap into my wattpad community for help. I plan to post periodically (like I did with my fanfiction) in order to get some feedback on this story and these characters. Comments and questions are welcome! Its a Queer love story set in ancient times so I chose this animation by Ego Rodriguez entitled "Harmonious & Aristogeiton" as the cover.


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Mikhail a...
by Only_Tayyy