Pocket Book Romance...
By thatartfreakm
  • Fanfiction
  • arthurmorgan
  • arthurmorganxmarybethgaskill
  • arthurxmary-beth
  • fanfiction
  • marybethgaskill
  • reddeadfanfict
  • reddeadredemption
  • reddeadredemption2
  • romance
  • romancefanfiction


Mary-Beth had always kept her nose in a book and often found herself lost in the pages until something else caught her eye; or someone, that being mister Arthur Morgan. She had held an interest for him once she had become acquainted with the Van der Line gang, and he had been the nicest and most modest of them to her. He spoke with the upmost manner to her that was sure to bring rosiness to her cheeks with each encounter. Her attraction grew to something more as Arthur began to bring her more books from the various endeavors he made away from camp. Surely he felt the same with every jester, chat, smile and book he gave the kind hearted young lady. Disclaimer: All characters used in this story belong to the videogame company Rockstar Games. I am only writing fanfictions and do not own any of the characters nor do I have any ties with Rockstar Games.

Chapter I

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Pocket Bo...
by thatartfreakm