This is the Ultimat...
By Seishibo
  • Adventure
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  • rimuru
  • tenseishitaraslimedattaken
  • thattimeigotreincarnatedasaslime
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Tatsuo Takeshita was a person whose personality could be described in 5 words... "The #1 Dragon Ball Fan". He is very well known in the Dragon Ball community, as he had been one of the fans who read the Dragon Ball franchise ever since it's first release. He has helped Toriyama on numerous occasions, introducing him to ideas which would become really popular. An example of this is the Potara and Metamoran fusion. But one day, he was pronounced dead at 43. This was a heavy blow to the Dragon Ball community. Because, not only did they loose one of their original readers but also a person who helped shaped the story to where it is today. Toei and Akira Toriyama created a special section in the next volume of the Manga and a special episode of the Anime, highlighting the male and all he's done. But for the Dragon Ball mega fan, all was not lost but in his dying wish was sent to another world. How will he react to a world completely foreign to him. Find out as you read!

Episode 1: A Dream Come True! Well...Kinda.

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This is t...
by Seishibo