The Lotus Dance
By melancholy_sins0
  • Fantasy
  • bravetogether


Ri Lin, a brothel courtesan with a career built on charm and deceit, meets her match when a handsome suitor walks in through the doors. While she paid no attention to him in the beginning, he had different plans. "... Ri Lin.. Is that the name you go by now?" His dark, black eyes stared at me. They were depthless, full of mirth, and yet enchanting. I wanted to gaze at him, get lost in those black eyes, if I had the privilege. "... You like it? I don't ever remember telling you my other names..." I feel his hands cradling my waist, squeezing a little at my last remark. He was a bit bothered at my words, a slither of jealousy slipping into his eyebrows. It makes me want to laugh. "... For what price?" "As much as I'm worth." As she feels her love growing for him, their promises grow more. But can they keep them? Or is it a simply a mirage from a day-time reality? Well, no worries, underestimating her isn't a good idea.

Chapter 1:

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The Lotus...
by melancholy_sins0