Knots to Unravel...
By vernoffvc
  • Fanfiction
  • andtacosrgood
  • fanfic
  • matthewespinosa
  • nashgrier
  • romance


*AWKWARD ASS BOOK DONT READ, I REPEAT DONT READ!!! or be a rebel that's cool, but just get ready for a cringe roller coaster* Layla Annie Summers, age 16, lives in North Carolina, and she doesn't know what to do in life. Layla has a bad past, she has been bullied, hurt, and even more. She transferred to another school. But soon after the school year is over, Layla thinks she strong enough to go to her old school. Her bully, the Matthew Espinosa, says sorry, but Layla seems to not know him, but until Layla and Matt unravel knots in life as they go through the 2 last years of high school. Will they make it together? Or have ups and downs? Maybe even have arguments! Read to find out!!!

Chapter 1: 1st day

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Knots to...
by vernoffvc