Analyze Me (Gay Fic...
By SaintNix
  • Romance
  • abuse
  • drugs
  • fiction
  • gay
  • humor
  • lgbt
  • love
  • romance


In Clayton's world, everything is either upside down or the wrong way up. Everyday is a struggle for sanity, for patience. His parents would be what you'd call wealthy, everything at their disposal, even him. Clay used to be a happy-go-lucky kid until his parents found out he was gay. Yes, gay. Clay liked boys. And what is a wealthy family to do when their son threatens their reputation? They send him to therapy, of course. At nineteen he wants nothing more than to tell them to take that idea and shove it. Greyson Owens is new to the scene of all things therapy. He just got his Doctorate in Psychology at 28 years old and now works at the most sought after private practice on the West Coast. He's been assigned a case of a nineteen year old who, as his parents say, needs to be evaluated. He isn't against kids, but babysitting isn't something he'd thought he be doing with his degree. But, upon meeting the smart-assed little spitfire Clayton Tate, he isn't so sure that his case will be so simple.


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Analyze M...
by SaintNix