Deltarune : Secrets...
By Deltacrew
  • Adventure
  • askaway
  • askbook
  • askme
  • askmeanything
  • berdly
  • dare
  • darebook
  • darkworld
  • deltarune
  • deltarunechapter1
  • deltarunechapter2
  • dreemurr
  • holiday
  • kris
  • noelle
  • ralsei
  • susie
  • undertale


!Spoiler warning! This is an AU of Deltarune that we are making, so keep in mind this isn't canon! This is also ignoring the things Kris did at the end of chapter 2 like making a dark fountain and slashing Toriel's tires. (Text boxes by It's been a couple weeks since Cyber World's fountain was sealed. The 5 members of the crew: Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Berdly, and Noelle had all created ask books. Kris and Susie continued to visit Ralsei in the dark world, until one day Berdly decided to follow them. They explained to him that the dark world was real, and he decided to visit with them as well. As a result of the ask books, people caused Noelle to investigate the supply closet for herself. If you're curious about anything else that happened leading up to the start of this book, our individual ask books can be found here: @Kris_DW @Eggo_MyLeggo (Susie) @Peachsei @Noelle_Holiday @Berdly_Not_Burghley This ask/dare book is meant to be for asks involving all the members or that involve us interacting. If you have an ask for an individual, please send it to our individual ask books!

Chapter 1 : Fallen Girl

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by Deltacrew