Smooth Operator
By for-fucks-sake-h
  • Fanfiction
  • fanfiction
  • harrystyles
  • harrystylesfanfic
  • phone
  • phonesex
  • smuttyfanfic


Brielle Flores was exhausted. Exhausted wasn't even the word anymore. What would be the word for being so overworked, lonely, and horny, all at the same time? Excruciating? Sure, that works. Her job was grueling, but she loved it. She worked hard for it. After years of schooling and months applying to positions she dreamed of, she was offered the opportunity of a lifetime as a lead forensic anthropologist. All of the blood, sweat, and tears to get her masters - so she could work in the field of her dreams - paid off. She packed her entire life up in a week's time and moved across the world to make a home for herself in London. It had been eight months and while she's had the time of her life working at a job she put her entire soul into, she couldn't help but admit that it was lonely sometimes. So what happens when her friends have a suggestion for her to possibly meet someone without having to leave her bed? Is it a terrible idea, or is the inevitable Brit with the deep, soothing voice exactly who she needs?


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Smooth Op...
by for-fucks-sake-h