( Infinity War Timeline, NO BLIP ) Y/N grey is a 15 year old cisgender girl, that has had a rough past. By rough past, I am talking about being captured by Hydra until she was 5, going through a shithole of an adopted family and then taken in by Shield Agent Melinda May. Since then she has been trained by Melinda May personally to hone her physical combat skills and control her mutant abilities. When she finally finishes her high school by 15, Melinda decides she's ready to be an Avenger. After month of observation, Fury finally accepts the application and Y/N arrives in the compound. There, her journey begins. Warning: Use of Mature, Strong Language. Mention of gore, action and fantasy. Also some mature scenes that might be inappropriate for 13>readers. Also some emotional, mentions of trauma, mental illnesses and death.