Beneath the ground
By starswhoshine
  • Adventure
  • friendship
  • life
  • live
  • loss
  • love


sky+Ellie+Dad= one big happy family. I guess its true. that when you say it over and over and over and wish it was true, a part of you begins to believe it. We have a chance to escape dad, and his cruel never ending world of hitting and screaming. we have a chance to escape the fact that the mother everybody should have who loves them, isn't here to love us, but that she's dead. Everybody has a chance. but things get in the way. The maid who might figure out your secret. Money, in which one wrong move; there may be no more. Life and death which could be everywhere. and fear. The worst of them all. so let me ask you something. If fear includes all of the things listed how do you escape fear, while trying to escape the person who caused it?

Chapter 1

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Beneath t...
by starswhoshine