A Nova In Dreamswap
By FallenSnowNekomata
  • Fanfiction
  • crosssans
  • dreamsans
  • dreamswap
  • errorsans
  • inksans
  • nightmaresans
  • sans
  • swapsans
  • texttospeech


Based on my story idea: So my OC is a very negative person after all the BS she's gone through. I mean, she's seen all her friends die, has dealt with family issues, and is literally a being that wasn't supposed to exist. Can't say I blame her. So what if she wound up in the deamswap multiverse? Dream would freak out because "holy shit there's someone with enough negativity to rival Nightmare wtf." OC would probably fight Blue at some point because while she'd understand him from the view of an abuse victim, she'd be p!ssed that he let that turn him into a massive d!ck. She'd also probably join the meme squad, which would be interesting in and of itself. All the while she'd find a way to make Dream question all of his life decisions. I feel like it'd low key be a crack fic, because meme squad, but god it would be fun to write.


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A Nova In...
by FallenSnowNekomata