Lost memories of a...
By Jelli_cOffeeTheSimp
  • Fanfiction
  • aloah
  • amnesia
  • anime
  • ash
  • ashx
  • gen1pokemon
  • gen7pokemon
  • kalos
  • lostmemories
  • pikachu
  • pokemon
  • trauma


Uhh this has verry slow updates What happens if a young hero lost all of thair memories in thair past . _______________________________________________________ This is isnpierd by lost memories by Gregøry_gøtyeeted in youtube and his fanfic here on watpad tilte lost momories. _______________________________________________________ This is like my original book lost memories of a hero it is like this my ver of the written story gabe uyseco was my old watpad acount i dont want eny copy report becouse that is my original book. This story of mine is under editing and putting up new chapters on my free time if i can. ________________________________________________ All rigth's reserved to pokemon i do not own some of the characters i will tell the reader if i did design my own character and i wilk give creadits on where i get the art from _______________________________________________________________ By:Gabe Uyseco Thanks again to Cielø_gøtyeeted on youtube ____________________________________________ A little update ummm i will not update this story for a while i will update this after i've finnished my newest fanfict welp bye ! ____________________________________________ Uhh hi new update like it said on the front its a verry slow update Bye 7/3/21 ____________________________________________

chapter 1 "Fully Edited"

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Lost memo...
by Jelli_cOffeeTheSimp