By JulieAnnTijerina
  • Teen Fiction
  • abusivecontent
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  • bratayley
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  • fightforlove
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  • teenagers
  • teendrama
  • teenlove
  • teenromance


When we're young we are taught the difference between a Hero and Villain. Good and Evil. A Savior and a Lost Cause. That if we're Good then we will have a good life and if we were Evil we won't have a good life we would be punished they would say. That if we're a Hero we will praise for it and if we're a Villian we will be hated. That if we're Villian then we're Monster and Monster are what people fear that only the brave the Hero takes them down. That if we're Good if we're a Hero then that makes you a Savior. If evil if we're a Villian then that makes you a Lost Cause. But what if that is just a bunch of lies. From what I have seen and lived what we're taught are lies. There is good and there evil. There are Hero and Villian. There are Savoir and Lost Cause. But what we're told about them are lies. If we're good little boys we don't become Heros because even the good can become the Villian. If we're Good little girls we don't become princesses because even the Good princess can become the Evil Queen. We don't get some amazing true love because aren't we all broken we all Lost Causes so who could love a Lost Cause? Boys are taught how we're supposed to become someone Knight and Shining Armor but instead, we become someone Villian. Girls are taught how we're supposed to be good and wait around for our one true love our Knight and Shining Armor but instead, we're forced to save ourselves from the Monster after us. Either we grow up and save ourselves and in the process become evil or stay naive and have the world eat us alive. I was forced I had to save myself I had to be my own Knight and shining Armorer. I didn't get a chance to be a Hero they said I was a Villain so I become it. I didn't get to be the Knight and Shining Armorer of her story I was the Villain of her story... The first three sentences I got from a tv show but the rest I come up with so if it sounds familiar that way.

Cast And Aesthetic

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by JulieAnnTijerina