Heart of Ice
By mitsumi_oh
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • fantasy
  • kingdom
  • knight
  • monster
  • prince
  • romance
  • witch


Heart of Ice: Prologue In fairytales, the witch must be slain in order for the prince to save the princess or in order for a knight to return as a hero that saves the damsel in distress. However, this is no fairytale like most noble children have read. This is the Kingdom of Nâvisca and for the plebeians, this is a world no different from hell. In order to save the people, the hero who is the light of the people seeks out the help of the villain ― the witch. But the evil always appears to look so deceiving. They are usually beautiful creatures and the witch is no different. Is she really a witch or someone else? "Please be my strength." "So you want my help. Make a deal with me then." In this world, nothing comes for free. Like the witch people portray her to be, she need something in return. "Tell me." "I'll make you the victor in the rebellion. I'll give you the glory from this war. But in exchange, bring me back my heart." Is the witch really evil? Or is she evil because she lost her heart? No one is born evil. They are only evil because is they lack a piece of themselves.


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Heart of...
by mitsumi_oh