Home is a Four Lett...
By hannagustin
  • Romance
  • angst
  • boyxboy
  • boyxboyromance
  • bxb
  • closetcase
  • comingofage
  • comingout
  • countryboy
  • gay
  • grumpyxsunshine
  • highschool
  • highschoolromance
  • home
  • hometown
  • lgbt
  • lgbtfiction
  • midwest
  • mlm
  • rural
  • secretrelationship
  • slowburn
  • smalltowns
  • summer
  • summerromance
  • youngadult


(Book One) Jake Holmes hadn't put much thought into what home meant until Connor Morgan asked him to. He had settled with an idealistic fantasy. A life in the closet, complete with the girl he could bring home to momma, a house next to his best friend, and 2.5 kids. It didn't require thought, it didn't require confrontation, and it sure as hell didn't require him to reject everything he had ever learned about what life was and what made it worth living. But Connor did. Connor wasn't meant to happen. He ended up in Jake's life by chance, but Jake kept him there by choice. Connor was a pipedream stuffed away inside the ridges of Jake's mind that dared him to question everything for a life of authenticity. A life with Connor was something close enough to touch if he only knew how to reach for it. Jake's feelings for Connor become unmistakable, but the grip his past has on his ability to embrace the possibility of a life where he lets those feelings win threatens to leave him with a desperate choice he isn't equipped to make. As Jake struggles to find home within his identity, he is forced to combat the part of his heart that is stuck in the past with the part of his heart that yearns for a future. What is home if not where the heart is? Completed. Book 1 of 3. Sequel releases coming soon.

author's note + content warnings

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Home is a...
by hannagustin