The Clash Of Drakko...
By chloemar2000
  • Science Fiction
  • blood
  • bloodandgore
  • dragon
  • empire
  • femaleprotagonist
  • power
  • romance
  • royalty
  • scifi
  • space
  • vampire


With her father stealing her throne, almost killing her in the process. Alessandra must find a way to get her throne back before the Nisha come to conquer. She knows they aren't far away, but her father isn't going to let the throne go without a fight. Hidden in the Morgase Empire, no one knows she is alive. Everyone believes she is dead, allowing her the time to recover and plan, little does she know that her friends and family are not planning to allow her father to take her throne easily. They are planning a coup and it is just a matter of time before things fall into place and they try to overthrow the king. All of this is a race against time to be prepared for the Nisha. If they don't figure things out quickly, they will be weak, and the Nisha will overwhelm them, conquering them like so many other systems before.

Chapter One

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The Clash...
by chloemar2000