2/4/2023:interacted with someone I probably shouldnt have interacted with and I think they voted on all chapters on all my stories dont take those votes seriously I dont think they voted them because they were good looks can be deceiving so what if the cover is 50% inaccurate Logic: TLATP: 1 month, finished story. F&S: Discontinued after over an year like what the heck self commented once to a fellow Pokémon writer something like "you shouldn't be pressured to update stories" BUT- This takes place in (Pluto + Bidoof =) Pludoof, a fictional planet I thought by myself. This story takes place in something like the Kalos region. I don't own any of the Pokémon types the characters are (make sense?). Sy is a Sylveon. She's a bully in the school she goes to (Blossom Middle School), but she only bullies to hide her sadness from losing her brother, Umby. Exdrill is a Excadrill. He is a new student at Blossom Middle School. He quickly makes a few new friends, but also quickly notices a bully who natrually hates him. Umby (um-BEE) is a Umbreon. He's Sy's sister, and misses her a lot. Unfortunately, he never gets the courage to go back. Currently, Umby lives with a friendly Yveltal (ee-VELL-tall). Yev (YEH-veh) is a Yveltal. For their type of Pokémon, he's nice. They (Yev. Yev's pronouns are they/them) live(s) on a mountain near a few other Yveltals'. The mountains all together is Yveltal Mountains. Aurora is a Azumarill. She befriended Exdrill on the first day of school. Seeing Sy bullying again in the new year, she wants to know the actual reason why Sy acts like she is by using her powers of understanding others well. Registeel is a Registeel (such a surprise!!!!!!!). They're a therapist and known well across the Kalos region. One day, Registeel gets a letter from a Yveltal saying they need help. The Yveltal lives with a "Umbreon that's depressed." Registeel goes to the place that the letter noted, but they aren't sure if the letter is true or not.