Palawan Strangers (...
By welsyelsie
  • Romance
  • chardawn
  • dawnzulueta
  • healing
  • mentalhealth
  • midlifecrisis
  • palawan
  • richardgomez
  • romance


Midlife crisis. Five decades and one, she has everything -goals met, fulfilled dreams, established family... living her best life. But one day, she wakes up and realizes she wasn't -this wasn't her best life. She was stuck in a rut and is losing sight of who she is. Determined, she has to live life. She can't let the emotional turmoil in her system consume her and bring her down. She needs to let go of the ties. She has to live her life how it is meant to be lived. She has to find and redeem herself again. Somewhere therapeutic. Somewhere that can make her whole again. Five decades and two, he has everything -career, money, shredded physique. However, he still feels empty. He battled the worst tragedy in his life. Alone. He focused on everything else going on in life that he abandoned his self when all he felt was alone. There's nothing worse than not giving self-love. He was torturing his self. He has to find and redeem himself again. Then he found a haven, a sanctuary to restore his wholeness. Healing -may be slow but getting there.

Palawan Strangers

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Palawan S...
by welsyelsie