Izuku The Real Deat...
By marvellover356
  • Action
  • deathryuger
  • kyoryublack
  • kyoryublue
  • kyoryucyan
  • kyoryuger
  • kyoryugold
  • kyoryugray
  • kyoryugreen
  • kyoryupink
  • kyoryured
  • kyoryusilver
  • kyoryuviolet
  • torin
  • zyudensentaikyoryuger


(So this used to be about my version of the Talon Ranger, but I decided to change this story to a female cast of Kyoryuger and him. He'll be pretty dense and psychotic, but still good. He's now Deathryuger. The name may not work as well considering he's good, but I don't care). This will take place throughout Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger with doing some of the movies over that time. I'll take my own spin on the musical and it will still have D as Deathryuger (I'll explain in that movie). Most of the Kyoryuger have been turned into girls. Except for Both Silvers, the first cyan, the first Gray, the first Violet. All those female ones love him, but he doesn't back. Black's character obviously being focused on boys instead of girls. Black in this does flirt with a lot of guys, but after seeing the face behind Deathryuger without knowing that only flirts to make him jealous especially after knowing that. Red won't be nearly as dense or annoying. Pink will know she at least has a crush on Deathryuger. Green knows the same just doesn't do anything as she is more focused on other things. Same as green, Blue is the same. Gold will be the one that tries to hard to get his attention because she's from the pass so she doesn't know that the marriage isn't as instant as it was back in the Sengoku period. The 2nd Violet will essentially be like how she was with Daigo, but in this case it's him. 2nd Cyan is the girl that tries to take him at any given moment. 2nd Gray is also now a girl and tries to use being famous as an advantage to go on a date with him. You'll probably hate me for this, Izuku is Deathryuger. I'm sorry it's an older one to an extent. About 26. (This story is now connected to the Zyuohger, Lupat and Kyuranger Stories).


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Izuku The...
by marvellover356