Equestria Girls of...
By girl_of_many_worlds
  • Fanfiction
  • applejack
  • bianavacker
  • crossover
  • dexdizznee
  • equestriagirls
  • fanfiction
  • fitzvacker
  • fluttershy
  • keefesencen
  • keeperofthelostcities
  • pinkiepie
  • rainbowdash
  • rarity
  • scitwi
  • sophiefoster
  • sunsetshimmer
  • texttospeech
  • twilightsparkle


With the help of a dare, Twilight's gotten Rainbow Dash to read the first book in Twilight's favorite series, "Keeper of the Lost Cities" by Shannon Messenger. However, Rainbow Dash gets hooked, and a couple of days later, she's asking Twilight for the next book in the series. As Twilight goes over the next day to give her the next book, she finds Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer's things... only they weren't around. All that remained were their things and the glowing "Keeper of the Lost Cities" book. Curious and worried, the rest of the Equestria Girls come close to the book, and they get sucked in. Now in the world of the book, they find themselves meeting twelve year old Sophie Foster, who's been a freak ever since she cracked her head open at five and started hearing human thoughts. The only person who seems to understand is Sunset, who is strangely starting to hear mental voices as well. It's around this time they meet Fitz Vacker, who goes in and changes Sophie and the Equestria Girls' lives forever. Soon, they go to the Lost Cities, and when Alden Vacker gives the news about Sophie having to leave her human family, he also explains that, due to the discovery, the Equestria Girls have to stay in the Lost Cities as well. He's completely aware that they had been sucked into the story, and for good reason. He also says that they need to split when it came to relocating them, just so nothing bad would happen. As the girls go through Sophie's journey of discovering her true self as one of the most powerful elves in the Lost Cities, they make friends, fall in love, and discover unimaginable powers they never expected to have before this. However, with this new life comes secrets. Sophie's life isn't like the other elves. She has a secret past, one Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset may also be connected to. A secret people would kill for... Disclaimer: Equestria Girls belong to Hasbro. Keeper of the Lost Cities belongs to Shannon Messenger.

Author's Note

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by girl_of_many_worlds