King's Dragon:...
By WilliamCulbertson
  • Fantasy
  • assassin
  • command
  • dragon
  • invasion
  • king


Twelve years ago, Dax, rightful king of West Landly was forced to flee into exile. Now he has become an expert warrior for hire. However, he has tired of commanding mercenaries in a series of regional skirmishes. Commandant Renshau had just the thing, an assignment as a political advisor. Dax relished the new challenge, but being a political advisor was more dangerous than he had thought-much more dangerous! From the book: Dragons at war... The rest was a confusion of impressions. The dust lit up with a blazing reddish-yellow glow followed by a monstrous roar. A wave of heat swept over them. They continued to ride for a few moments, but they encountered a drift of overthrown horses and riders. Captain Baffen signaled a halt. Once the drumbeat of their horses hooves were silent, he heard a cacophony of shrieks and screams from all around. Another great gout of fire swept towards them, and the roar drowned out the heart-rending cries for help. This time they saw the fire as it swept towards them. They were in a shallow depression below the level of the rest of the plain, and the searing heat from the inferno swept just over their heads like a beacon from left to right. They started forward again, but a great wind followed the fire. It swept the dust away as they came onto level ground. That was when they saw the dragon.

Chapter 1, Part 1: Skirmishes

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by WilliamCulbertson