SLOWLY BEING REWRITTEN! People say we're products of our parents. that all of their good traits are passed onto us, that we pick up the bad traits along the way. But what if our parents have no good traits? What does that make us? Are we all bad? Kinsey couldn't speak on the behalf of her father. She'd never met the man. He was just another one of her mother's well-kept secrets that she'd vowed to take to the grave. None of the family knew who the girl'sfather was, or how Kate came to meet him. But Kate was an expert when it came to lying and secret-keeping, it came as second nature to her. Especially when it came to keeping it away from her daughter. From what she did know of her mother Kinsey knew that she wasn't a good person, she lied impulsively, consistently made her daughter feel as though she was nothing, and regularly abandoned the girl so she could disappear without a trace. Sometimes she'd leave her alone, other times with her uncle Chris. Kate Argent lacked any maternal instincts. That was why Kinsey failed to believe that people are products of their parents. It wasn't possible. It couldn't be, not unless her father was a saint and she had just managed to inherit all of her traits from him. She was nothing like her mother. She never had been. And if that day did ever come where she felt as though she had turned out to be like her mother, she knew that she'd failed as a human. Failed herself. Failed her Uncle Chris who had been more like a parent to her than her own, as well as Victoria. Everyone that she ever loved would be failed. But of course, Kinsey didn't realize any of this. Not until the real secret came out. {Seasons 1-6} {#3 in argent}