You... Like Me?
By mayytem2112
  • Romance
  • bxblove
  • lovestory


"I don't like you" Felix said it the unthinkable Liam had many responses ready but not a single one would be good enough to express what he was feeling right now. I'm really sorry I just don't like you the way you like me. Is it because I'm fat? No ofcourse not Liam why would you think that? Ofcourse it's my body, please I'll try to lose weight! Il... No it won't help it will still be the same you're my best friend I don't No I can't be with you I'm sorry but you can't change my feelings. I need you as my best friend. But maybe I can.. but Felix interrupts him No no don't get any stupid ideas. You already know I have a crush on that robotics boy I can't go with you I literally just confessed my feelings to him how would I explain this? please I love you! You don't love me that's not true. Felix I beg you why won't you love me??! Just leave Liam I don't wanna hurt your feelings believe me but I just I don't wanna lie to you. Liam leaves the house crying and goes to his house. He makes sure he first goes to the bathroom to clean his face and remove the tears by washing them away. Then he goes to his dad's room and knocks on the door. "Come in" his dad says. He closes the door behind him and goes to the bed where his father lies. He couched and asked Liam how he was doing. Liam just puts his head in his father's lap as response. So bad huh. His father strokes his hair and tries to soothe the sobs from Liam. They sit like this for hours and eventually his father tries to get up for food but Liam says that he can stay here and that Liam would make dinner. The evening ends in complete silence with delicious pasta. While lying in bed Liam has hate thoughts circling through his head. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a boyslove story don't read it if you don't like it.


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You... Li...
by mayytem2112