Mated to His Hater...
By GenaSperow
  • Fanfiction
  • bellaswan
  • billyblack
  • camphalfblood
  • carlisle
  • cullen
  • edwardcullen
  • esme
  • goddess
  • godsandgoddesses
  • hades
  • hale
  • jacobblack
  • jasperwhitlock
  • mountolympus
  • rosalie
  • twilight


Lillian Tigress Hades is who you could call a "hater for everyone and everything" she gets that from her mother and father, Persephone and Hades. When she was sent to Earth to learn how to control her anger and short temper, Camp Half-Blood hesitantly agreed. But when she gets to be too much for Camp Half-Blood, they assign her to stay in a small town called Forks that's in Washington. She was to live with Billy Black and his family on the reservation, but she was to attend the Forks High School instead of the one on the reservation. It didn't go according to plan. There, she meets another new girl (well, at least she thinks she's new but she isn't) who is shy but very outgoing. Bella Swan. Her and Bella instantly connect like they were meant to be friends from the start. However, with all the gossip and stares from the rest of the student body and from the Cullen/Hale clan, Lillian's temper is tested and her anger becomes harder to control. If she cannot control the anger that's building inside of her, her powers will be uncontrollable. When the student body turns their focus onto the Cullen/Hale clan for looking like the Greek Gods and Goddesses, Lillian's temper runs short and with her own parents being a God and Goddess themselves, she does all she can to stand up for her own family and not to mention her uncles and their friends as well. But what happens when being friends with Bella seems to catch the attention of two particular Cullens/Hales? What will happen when a wolf imprints on The Major's Mate? How will he react? **DISCLAIMER** I do not own any of the Percy Jackson characters or the Twilight characters as they all belong to their rightful owners!! I just own Lillian Tigress Hades and the plot!!


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Mated to...
by GenaSperow