Finding My Permanen...
By booklover_0234
  • Fanfiction
  • abuse
  • academy
  • all14
  • beaten
  • blackbourne
  • comeback
  • corey
  • gabe
  • ghostbird
  • kota
  • loved
  • luke
  • moving
  • nathan
  • neglect
  • newfriends
  • north
  • raven
  • sangsorenson
  • sean
  • siblings
  • silas
  • sorenson
  • tired
  • victor


Sang Sorenson has been tasked with taking care of her 2 sibling, since she was 13. Living with an abusive mother and having to grow up fast is not an easy thing to deal with. This leaves Sang to struggle in many ways and just as she is on the verge of giving up when 14 guys walk into her life and take her on the ride of a lifetime. All of the characters belong to C.L stone. I own none of them and make no money off of this story. There will be talk of abuse and other issues, so be prepared. This book has not been edited so there may be some mistakes. I truly hope you enjoy this book!

Chapter 1

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Finding M...
by booklover_0234