PJ Mask: A Catlette...
By ZafiroSkyStar
  • Romance
  • anyu
  • armarip
  • catboy
  • catboyxowlette
  • catlette
  • crystal
  • gachajewel
  • gekko
  • gekkoxlunagirl
  • jewel
  • lovestory
  • luna
  • lunakko
  • nightninja
  • nightninjaxanyu
  • nightyu
  • owlette
  • pjmask
  • ships
  • texttospeech
  • zafiro


Catboy, A hero of Paris, A leader, a Friend, a Son, and a Boyfriend. He started to date Karla and both Karla and Catboy love each other until one day Catboy saw Karla kissing another boy Karla saw Catboy and said *opps looks like I'm not the Karla you loved*Catboy was heartbroken really bad so he decided to change he for 2 years. until 2 new students came in but this 1 new student looks familiar to Catboy. The other new student came after months of the other new student. See Catboy and the rest of the PJ Mask's as teens on Hero High, A place where heroes train to protect different countries, cities, neighborhoods and etc. But the questions are: Will catboy ever change? will catboy ever find true love again? and what will happen to the new student? Reminder this is a different AU Read the story of Catboy x Owlette (Disclaimer: The Pj Mask doesn't belong to me)

Hey guys

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PJ Mask:...
by ZafiroSkyStar