Star Wars The Clone...
By Tainted_Human
  • Fanfiction
  • anakinskywalker
  • clonetroopers
  • galenmarek
  • obiwankenobi
  • padawan
  • starkiller
  • starwars
  • starwarsprequelera
  • starwarstheclonewars
  • thedarkside
  • theforc3
  • thejediorder
  • thelightside
  • yoda


Many years ago in a galaxy far far away, there was a planet torn apart by war. The Galactic Republic requested a peacekeeper group try and salvage the operation. A small squad of jedi were dispatched to the planet. Unfortunately the planet was too far gone to recover from the state of war, Jedi Master Mace Windu was heading through a abandoned building as he sensed something was here through the force. As he navigated the falling apart building he had his lightsaber out to light his way, when it was pulled from his hand and he turned to see a terrified child holding it. The child stared at Windu who stared back at the boy. And it would take time. But he would be taken in by the jedi master. Who had learned his name, Galen Marek, he had lost his parents mere months before they arrived. Windu presented the child to the council, due to his young age and immense potential he was taken in for training. And who chose to train him due to the potential in the boy, non other than Windu himself. This is not the story of the chosen one. Who'd bring balance. But the story of the one force user who used the power of the force in balance. Instead of just being the reason in the end the force would be in balance. The greatest force user, Galen Marek

The Beginning Of The Great War

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Star Wars...
by Tainted_Human