The Story of the Un...
By BlueCookiesAnBadgers
  • Humor
  • accidentalstory
  • advengers
  • bts
  • chaos
  • cookies
  • funny
  • pjo
  • random
  • textmessages
  • textstory
  • txt
  • universe


What started out as a random conversation about my old binder from middle school became a complex story by my friend @Liviaoop and I. It's chaotic, full of random twists and turns, as well as funny. There's some guest appearances from the PJO and Avengers fandoms as well as some other chaotic stuff like random dance breaks and blue cookies. I hope you have as much fun reading this as we did writing it, now please sit back, relax, and keep all hands and feet inside the ride at all times. Disclaimer: We don't own any of the characters in this besides ourselves, the universes, and the fish TW: Mentions of puke, cannibalism, death, choking/loss of breath, corpses, disease, children getting kicked out of homes, and sewers. Please let me know if there are any other trigger warnings you'd like me to add

The Story of the Universes

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The Story...
by BlueCookiesAnBadgers