By moonlittears21
  • Romance
  • agegap
  • desi
  • desistory
  • hotprofessor
  • indian
  • muslim
  • muslimlovestory
  • pakistani
  • pakistanilovestory
  • pakistaniromance
  • pakistanishortstory
  • professor
  • professorlovestory
  • romance


Marwa Kafeel has a strict routine. She wakes up, goes to work, then to her classes at University. She returns home to cook for her grandmother and studies, only to go to sleep and wake up to do it again. Each second of her life is a painful reminder of all she's lost and all she ever took for granted. Life for Marwa has become hazy. When she's assigned the teacher's assistant to her University's notoriously handsome professor, the haze breaks like clear glass. Suddenly, she is alive and she forgot just how much it hurts to feel everything at once, and have nothing at all. /// Rohail Zahrun lives a comfortable life. He's achieved all that he wants in life, has an exciting and invigorating job, and a prospectful future. There is pressure to take the next step in his life and marry, but things are just right, and he won't dare disturb the balance he has created. But Marwa Kafeel threatens the peace in his life. She captures his attention and pulls him towards her and he can't help but reach out and learn more. She is the most expressive woman he has ever met, the most kind, the most strong, but why does she seem to crumble around him?

chapter one

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by moonlittears21