The Three Kingdoms
By funbor1
  • Fantasy


Takes place in a foreign planet called Pandemonia where a day has 36 hours, an hour has 100 minutes, and a minute has 75 seconds. The people look much like us and have gone through four eras, in which the third one had technology way ahead of our time. The fourth era went back to medieval times, with a few stolen ideas from the third. The people there are much harder to kill, and mystical beings dwell in the planet. A few of the people have the skill to control the elements. When war erupts in a kingdom, Aralon, three people, Nova, the princess, and two young knights, have to go to Magiaguard to seek help. Soon, the group find themselves captured by the Ridens, neighbors of Aralon. A Riden prince, Rinan, is in a kingdom called Jamacia, where war between five countries and a rebellion is taking place under the rule of a tyrannic sovereign. The sovereign soon meets death and his place is taken over by Al-khatib, his son. Aralon soon finds themselves in need of assistance whether it be foreign or not. P.S. This was the book I wrote for NaNoWrimo, so there'll be many errors in it since i rushed through it. As the weeks go by, i'll surely try to correct these errors. Please do give feedback, whether it be positive or negative, it really wouldn't matter.

Untitled Part 1

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The Three...
by funbor1